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The goal of this project is to enable Remote Desktop Host support and concurrent RDP sessions on reduced functionality systems for home usage.

RDP Wrapper works as a layer between Service Control Manager and Terminal Services, so the original termsrv.dll file remains untouched. Also this method is very strong against Windows Update.

NT VersionScreenshots
Windows VistaWindows Vista Starter Windows Vista Home Basic
Windows 7Windows 7 Starter Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 8Windows 8 Developer Preview Windows 8 Consumer Preview Windows 8 Release Preview Windows 8
Windows 8.1Windows 8.1 Preview Windows 8.1
Windows 10Windows 10 Technical Preview Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview Windows 10

This solution was inspired by Windows Product Policy Editor, big thanks to kost :)

— binarymaster


It's recommended to have original termsrv.dll file with the RDP Wrapper installation. If you have modified it before with other patchers, it may become unstable and crash in any moment.


  • Source code is available, so you can build it on your own
  • RDP Wrapper does not patch termsrv.dll, it loads termsrv with different parameters
  • RDPWInst and RDPChecker can be redistributed without development folder and batch files
  • RDPWInst can be used for unattended installation / deployment
  • Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 will not be supported

Key features:

Porting to other platforms:

  • ARM for Windows RT (see links below)
  • IA-64 for Itanium-based Windows Server? Well, I have no idea :)

Building the binaries:

  • x86 Delphi version can be built with Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010
  • x86/x64 C++ version can be built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013


Tutorial videos:

Files in release package:

File nameDescription
RDPWInst.exeRDP Wrapper Library installer/uninstaller
RDPCheck.exeLocal RDP Checker (you can check the RDP is working)
RDPConf.exeRDP Wrapper Configuration
install.batQuick install batch file
uninstall.batQuick uninstall batch file
update.batQuick update batch file

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download the installer or binaries?

In the GitHub Releases section.

Is it legal to use this application?

There is no definitive answer, see this discussion.

The installer tries to access the Internet, is it normal behaviour?

Yes, it works in online mode by default. You may disable it by removing -o flag in the install.bat file.

What is online install mode?

Online install mode introduced in version 1.6.1. When you installing RDP Wrapper first time using this mode, it will download latest INI file from GitHub. See this discussion.

What is INI file and why we need it?

INI file was introduced in version 1.5. It stores system configuration for RDP Wrapper — general wrapping settings, binary patch codes, and per build specific data. When new termsrv.dll build comes out, developer adds support for it by updating INI file in repository.

Config Tool reports version 1.5, but I installed higher version. What's the matter?

Beginning with version 1.5 the rdpwrap.dll is not updated anymore, since all settings are stored in INI file. Deal with it.

Config Tool shows [not supported] and RDP doesn't work. What can I do?

Make sure you're connected to the Internet and run update.bat.

Update doesn't help, it still shows [not supported].

Visit issues section, and check whether your termsrv.dll build is listed here. If you can't find such issue, create a new — specify your build version for adding to support.

Why RDPCheck doesn't allow to change resolution and other settings?

RDPCheck is a very simple application and only for testing purposes. You need to use Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe) if you want to customize the settings. You can use or address for loopback connection.

Known issues:

  • Beginning with Windows 8 on tablet PCs inactive sessions will be logged out by system - more info
  • Beginning with Windows 10 you can accidentally lock yourself from PC - more info
  • Beginning with the Creators Update for Windows 10 Home, RDP Wrapper will no longer work, claiming that the listener is [not listening] because of rfxvmt.dll is missing - more infodownload links
  • Terminal Service does not start after installing some updates or "Access Denied" issue - #215#101
  • RDP Wrapper does not work with RemoteFX enabled hosts - #127#208#216
  • RDP works, but termsrv.dll crashes on logon attempt - Windows Vista Starter RTM x86 (termsrv.dll 6.0.6000.16386)
  • If Terminal Services hangs at startup, try to add rdpwrap.dll to antivirus exclusions. Also try to isolate RDP Wrapper from other shared services by the command:
    sc config TermService type= own
  • RDP Wrapper can be removed by AVG Free Antivirus and Norton Antivirus - first make sure you downloaded official release from GitHub, then add it to exclusions.



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