速度和精确度之间的选择前不是静态的。你可以基于CPU的速度、用于路径搜索的时间片数、地图上物体(units)的数量、物体的重要性、组(group)的大小、难度或者其他任何因素来进行动态的选择。取得动态的折衷的一个方法是,建立一个启发式函数用于假定通过一个网格空间的最小代价是1,然后建立一个代价函数(cost function)用于测量(scales): g’(n) = 1 + alpha * ( g(n) – 1 ) 如果alpha是0,则改进后的代价函数的值总是1。这种情况下,地形代价被完全忽略,A*工作变成简单地判断一个网格可否通过。如果alpha是1,则最初的代价函数将起作用,然后你得到了A*的所有优点。你可以设置alpha的值为0到1的任意值。 你也可以考虑对启发式函数的返回值做选择:绝对最小代价或者期望最小代价。例如,如果你的地图大部分地形是代价为2的草地,其它一些地方是代价为1的道路,那么你可以考虑让启发式函数不考虑道路,而只返回2*距离。 速度和精确度之间的选择并不是全局的。在地图上的某些区域,精确度是重要的,你可以基于此进行动态选择。例如,假设我们可能在某点停止重新计算路径或者改变方向,则在接近当前位置的地方,选择一条好的路径则是更重要的,因此为何要对后续路径的精确度感到厌烦?或者,对于在地图上的一个安全区域,最短路径也许并不十分重要,但是当从一个敌人的村庄逃跑时,安全和速度是最重要的。 在游戏中,路径潜在地花费了许多存储空间,特别是当路径很长并且有很多物体需要寻路时。路径压缩,导航点和beacons通过把多个步骤保存为一个较小数据从而减少了空间需求。Waypoints rely on straight-line segments being common so that we have to store only the endpoints, while beacons rely on there being well-known paths calculated beforehand between specially marked places on the map.如果路径仍然用了许多存储空间,可以限制路径长度,这就回到了经典的时间-空间折衷法:为了节省空间,信息可以被丢弃,稍后才重新计算它。
速度和精确度之间的选择前不是静态的。你可以基于CPU的速度、用于路径搜索的时间片数、地图上物体(units)的数量、物体的重要性、组(group)的大小、难度或者其他任何因素来进行动态的选择。取得动态的折衷的一个方法是,建立一个启发式函数用于假定通过一个网格空间的最小代价是1,然后建立一个代价函数(cost function)用于测量(scales): g’(n) = 1 + alpha * ( g(n) – 1 ) 如果alpha是0,则改进后的代价函数的值总是1。这种情况下,地形代价被完全忽略,A*工作变成简单地判断一个网格可否通过。如果alpha是1,则最初的代价函数将起作用,然后你得到了A*的所有优点。你可以设置alpha的值为0到1的任意值。 你也可以考虑对启发式函数的返回值做选择:绝对最小代价或者期望最小代价。例如,如果你的地图大部分地形是代价为2的草地,其它一些地方是代价为1的道路,那么你可以考虑让启发式函数不考虑道路,而只返回2*距离。 速度和精确度之间的选择并不是全局的。在地图上的某些区域,精确度是重要的,你可以基于此进行动态选择。例如,假设我们可能在某点停止重新计算路径或者改变方向,则在接近当前位置的地方,选择一条好的路径则是更重要的,因此为何要对后续路径的精确度感到厌烦?或者,对于在地图上的一个安全区域,最短路径也许并不十分重要,但是当从一个敌人的村庄逃跑时,安全和速度是最重要的。 在游戏中,路径潜在地花费了许多存储空间,特别是当路径很长并且有很多物体需要寻路时。路径压缩,导航点和beacons通过把多个步骤保存为一个较小数据从而减少了空间需求。Waypoints rely on straight-line segments being common so that we have to store only the endpoints, while beacons rely on there being well-known paths calculated beforehand between specially marked places on the map.如果路径仍然用了许多存储空间,可以限制路径长度,这就回到了经典的时间-空间折衷法:为了节省空间,信息可以被丢弃,稍后才重新计算它。
package astart; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; // Referenced classes of package game: // MyCanvas public class GUI implements ActionListener { Frame f; MyCanvas c; Thread t; public GUI() { f = new Frame("title"); c = new MyCanvas(); c.setSize(201, 201); c.setBackground(Color.yellow); t = new Thread(c); Button start = new Button("start"); Button pause = new Button("pause"); Button again = new Button("again"); start.addActionListener(this); pause.addActionListener(this); again.addActionListener(this); f.add(start); f.add(c); f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(1); } }); f.setSize(300, 300); f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); f.setLocation(new Point(900, 600)); f.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String args[]) { new GUI(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { synchronized (t) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals("start")) t.start(); else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("pause")) System.out.println("pause"); else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("again")) System.out.println("again"); } } }
package astart; class Node { public int x; public int y; public int f; public int g; public int h; public Node parent; public Node children[]; public Node(int x, int y) { children = new Node[8]; this.x = x; this.y = y; } public void show() { System.out.println((new StringBuilder("Node:x=")).append(x).append( ",y=").append(y).append(",f=").append(f).append(",g=") .append(g).append(",h=").append(h).toString()); } }
package astart; import java.util.*; public class SearchDemo { int curX; int curY; static int size = 20; static int percentStore = 40; static long startTime = 0L; static long endTime = 0L; Node curNode; Vector<Node> openNodeList; Vector<Node> closeNodeList; Vector<Node> roadList; Random random; int world[][]; int world_bak[][]; Node start; Node goal; public int[][] getWorld() { return world; } public int[][] getWorld_bak() { return world_bak; } public Vector<Node> getRoad() { return roadList; } public SearchDemo(Node start, Node goal) { openNodeList = new Vector<Node>(); closeNodeList = new Vector<Node>(); roadList = new Vector<Node>(); random = new Random(); world = new int[size][size]; world_bak = new int[size][size]; this.start = start; this.goal = goal; openNodeList.removeAllElements(); closeNodeList.removeAllElements(); openNodeList.clear(); closeNodeList.clear(); openNodeList.add(start); curX = start.x; curY = start.y; start.g = 0; start.h = getHByNode(start); start.f = start.g + start.h; } int[][] search() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); do { curNode = getBesetNode(); if (curNode == null) { System.out.println("I am lost!I can not find the way!"); return null; } if (curNode.x == goal.x && curNode.y == goal.y) { endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); showThePath(curNode); System.out.println("I did it!"); break; } getNodesAround(curNode); } while (true); return null; } void showThePath(Node node) { System.out.println((new StringBuilder("showThePath")).append(node.x) .append("-").append(node.y).toString()); while (node != null) { roadList.add(new Node(node.x, node.y)); node = node.parent; if (node != null) world[node.x][node.y] = 8; } } void getNodesAround(Node tempNode) { int row; int col; if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x - 1, col = tempNode.y)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 10); if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x + 1, col = tempNode.y)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 10); if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x, col = tempNode.y - 1)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 10); if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x, col = tempNode.y + 1)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 10); if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x - 1, col = tempNode.y - 1)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 14); if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x - 1, col = tempNode.y + 1)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 14); if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x + 1, col = tempNode.y - 1)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 14); if (isCanMove(row = tempNode.x + 1, col = tempNode.y + 1)) creatSuccessionNode(tempNode, row, col, 14); closeNodeList.addElement(tempNode); for (int i = 0; i < openNodeList.size(); i++) { if (((Node) openNodeList.elementAt(i)).x != tempNode.x || ((Node) openNodeList.elementAt(i)).y != tempNode.y) continue; openNodeList.removeElementAt(i); break; } } boolean isCanMove(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > size - 1 || y > size - 1) return false; return world[x][y] != 1; } void creatSuccessionNode(Node node, int x, int y, int value) { Node tempNode = null; int tempNodeG = node.g + value; if (!isInCloseNodeList(x, y)) if ((tempNode = checkOpen(x, y)) != null) { if (tempNode.g > tempNodeG) { tempNode.parent = node; tempNode.g = tempNodeG; tempNode.f = tempNodeG + tempNode.h; } } else { Node newNode = new Node(x, y); newNode.parent = node; newNode.g = tempNodeG; newNode.h = getHByXY(x, y); newNode.f = newNode.g + newNode.h; openNodeList.addElement(newNode); } } boolean isInCloseNodeList(int x, int y) { for (Iterator<Node> iterator = closeNodeList.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Node node = (Node) iterator.next(); if (node.x == x && node.y == y) return true; } return false; } private Node checkOpen(int x, int y) { Node node = null; for (int i = 0; i < openNodeList.size(); i++) if (((Node) openNodeList.elementAt(i)).x == x && ((Node) openNodeList.elementAt(i)).y == y) { node = (Node) openNodeList.elementAt(i); return node; } return node; } private Node getBesetNode() { Node bestNode = null; int f = 0x3b9ac9ff; for (Iterator<Node> iterator = openNodeList.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Node fMinNode = (Node) iterator.next(); if (f > fMinNode.f) bestNode = fMinNode; } return bestNode; } private int getHByNode(Node node) { return Math.abs(curX - node.x) + Math.abs(curY - node.y); } private int getHByXY(int x, int y) { return Math.abs(curX - x) + Math.abs(curY - y); } public SearchDemo() { openNodeList = new Vector<Node>(); closeNodeList = new Vector<Node>(); roadList = new Vector<Node>(); random = new Random(); world = new int[size][size]; world_bak = new int[size][size]; } void init() { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { world[i][j] = random.nextInt(100) <= percentStore - 1 ? 1 : 0; world_bak[i][j] = world[i][j]; } } world[0][0] = 0; world[size - 1][size - 1] = 0; world_bak[0][0] = 0; world_bak[size - 1][size - 1] = 0; } void showWorld() { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { String str = world[i][j] >= 2 ? "X " : world[i][j] != 0 ? "● " : " "; System.out.print(str); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println((new StringBuilder("It takes ")).append( (double) (endTime - startTime) / 1000D).append(" sec.") .toString()); } void show(int i) { Vector<Node> tempList = null; String tempStr = ""; if (i == 3) { tempList = roadList; tempStr = "roadList:("; } else if (i == 2) { tempList = closeNodeList; tempStr = "closeNodeList:("; } else if (i == 3) { tempList = openNodeList; tempStr = "openNodeList:("; } System.out.println((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(tempStr))).append( tempList.size()).append(")").toString()); Node node; for (Iterator<Node> iterator = tempList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); System.out .print((new StringBuilder("(")).append(node.x).append(",") .append(node.y).append(")").toString())) node = (Node) iterator.next(); System.out.println(); } public static void main(String args[]) { SearchDemo demo = new SearchDemo(new Node(0, 0), new Node(size - 1, size - 1)); demo.init(); demo.showWorld(); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); demo.search(); demo.showWorld(); demo.show(3); } }
package astart; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Vector; public class MyCanvas extends Canvas implements Runnable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int SIZE; public int lenght; Color c; Graphics g; SearchDemo demo; int world_bak[][]; int world[][]; Vector<Node> roadList; public MyCanvas() { SIZE = 20; lenght = 10; c = Color.BLACK; demo = new SearchDemo(new Node(0, 0), new Node(SIZE - 1, SIZE - 1)); demo.init(); demo.search(); world_bak = demo.getWorld_bak(); roadList = demo.getRoad(); System.out.println((new StringBuilder("closeNodeList size=")).append( roadList.size()).toString()); demo.show(3); } public void paint(Graphics g) { this.g = g; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) switch (world_bak[i][j]) { case 0: // ' ' g.setColor(Color.black); g.drawRect(i * 10, j * 10, 8, 8); break; case 1: // ' 01' g.setColor(Color.pink); g.fillRect(i * 10, j * 10, 8, 8); g.drawRect(i * 10, j * 10, 8, 8); break; case 8: // 'b' g.setColor(Color.red); g.fillRect(i * 10, j * 10, 8, 8); g.drawRect(i * 10, j * 10, 8, 8); break; } } } public void setColor(Color c) { this.c = c; } public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(1000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = roadList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Node node = (Node) roadList.get(i); System.out.println((new StringBuilder("Running ...(")).append( node.x).append(",").append(node.y).toString()); world_bak[node.x][node.y] = 8; repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(50L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
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