#include <string> #include <strings.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/mman.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <termios.h> #include<sys/ioctl.h> #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> typedef unsigned int DWORD; int kbhit() { static const int STDIN = 0; static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { // Use termios to turn off line buffering termios term; tcgetattr(STDIN, &term); term.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; tcsetattr(STDIN, TCSANOW, &term); setbuf(stdin, NULL); initialized = true; } int bytesWaiting; ioctl(STDIN, FIONREAD, &bytesWaiting); return bytesWaiting; } int getch() { struct termios oldt, newt; int ch; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &oldt); newt = oldt; newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt); ch = getchar(); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt); return ch; } //#define DWORD unsigned int volatile DWORD GetTick(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return (tv.tv_sec * 1000L + tv.tv_usec / 1000); } double logval(double x) { return log(x + sqrt(1 + x * x)); } double GetY(double x) { return (x * sqrt(1 + x * x) + log(x + sqrt(1 + x * x))); } double GetX(double y, int s = 0); double GetX(double y, int s) { int iCount = 0; double x = sqrt(2) * y * sqrt(1 / (sqrt(4 * y * y + 1) + 1)); double fXLastStart = 0, fXLastEnd = x, fXMiddle = (fXLastEnd + fXLastStart) / 2; double fYMiddle = 0; do { fYMiddle = GetY(fXMiddle); if (fYMiddle > y) { fXLastEnd = fXMiddle; fXMiddle = (fXLastStart + fXMiddle) / 2; } else { fXLastStart = fXMiddle; fXMiddle = (fXLastEnd + fXMiddle) / 2; } iCount++; } while (fabs(fYMiddle - y) > 0.0001); if (s)printf("%d\n", iCount); return fXMiddle; } int main() { volatile int id = 0x100; volatile double x, y; x = 100.0; y = 100.0; volatile double a = atan2(y, x), b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, ww = 0; volatile DWORD t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = atan2(y, x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = sin(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = cos(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = sqrt(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = sin(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = cos(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = sqrt(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = atan2(y, x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = sin(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = cos(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = sqrt(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = sin(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = cos(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = sqrt(y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } volatile DWORD t1 = GetTick(); printf("----------\n"); char msg[512] = {0}; printf("ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), zhys(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); printf(msg, "ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), zhys(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = atan2(y, x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = atan2(y, x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = atan2(x, y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = atan2(y, y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = atan2(y, x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = atan2(x, y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = atan2(x, y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = atan2(y, x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = atan2(y, x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = atan2(x, y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = atan2(x, y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = atan2(y, x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = atan2(x, y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = atan2(x, y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); printf("ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), atan2(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); bzero(msg, 512); printf(msg, "ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), atan2(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 100 * 1000L; i++) { a = GetX(x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = GetX(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = GetX(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = GetX(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = GetX(x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = GetX(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = GetX(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = GetX(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = GetX(x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = GetX(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = GetX(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = GetX(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = GetX(x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = GetX(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = GetX(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = GetX(i * 1); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); bzero(msg, 512); printf("ID=%d FlatMov=%f\n time=%d(ms), FlatMov(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 1600.0); printf(msg, "ID=%d FlatMov=%f\n time=%d(ms), FlatMov(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 1600.0); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = asinh(x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = asinh(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = asinh(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = asinh(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = asinh(x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = asinh(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = asinh(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = asinh(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = asinh(x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = asinh(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = asinh(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = asinh(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = asinh(x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = asinh(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = asinh(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = asinh(y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); printf("ID=%d asinh=%f\n time=%d(ms), asinh(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); bzero(msg, 512); printf(msg, "ID=%d asinh=%f\n time=%d(ms), asinh(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = logval(x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = logval(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = logval(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = logval(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = logval(x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = logval(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = logval(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = logval(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = logval(x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = logval(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = logval(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = logval(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = logval(x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = logval(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = logval(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = logval(y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); bzero(msg, 512); printf("ID=%d logval=%f\n time=%d(ms), logval(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); printf(msg, "ID=%d logval=%f\n time=%d(ms), logval(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); printf("---------\n"); bzero(msg, 512); printf(msg, "-----线程:%d测试结束-----\n", id); return 0; }
#include <jni.h> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/mman.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <termios.h> #include<sys/ioctl.h> #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> #include <android/log.h> #define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "fjsmthlib-log", __VA_ARGS__)) typedef unsigned int DWORD; void JNI_Callback(char *pData, int id); //回调函数 static JavaVM *g_Jvm = NULL; static jobject g_obj = NULL; extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_test_math_com_mathtest_MainActivity_stringFromJNI( JNIEnv *env, jobject obj/* this */) { g_obj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj);//创建全局对象用于回调函数使用 std::string hello = "Hello from C++"; return env->NewStringUTF(hello.c_str()); } extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved) { JNIEnv *env = NULL; jint result = -1; if (vm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_6) != JNI_OK) { LOGI("GetEnv Failed", g_Jvm); return -1; } assert(env != NULL); /* success -- return valid version number */ result = JNI_VERSION_1_6; g_Jvm = vm; LOGI("jvm:%08X", g_Jvm); return result; } void JNI_Callback(char *pData, int id) //回调函数 { JNIEnv *pEnv = NULL; //Attach if (g_Jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&pEnv, NULL) == JNI_OK) { LOGI("%08X=>%08X=>%08X", g_Jvm, g_obj, pEnv); jclass Classlib = pEnv->GetObjectClass(g_obj); jobject Objectlib = pEnv->NewLocalRef(g_obj); jmethodID CallBack = pEnv->GetMethodID(Classlib, "onDataCallbk", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V"); jstring text = pEnv->NewStringUTF(pData); pEnv->CallVoidMethod(Objectlib, CallBack, text, id); pEnv->DeleteLocalRef(text); pEnv->DeleteLocalRef(Objectlib); pEnv->DeleteLocalRef(Classlib); //Detach g_Jvm->DetachCurrentThread(); } } int kbhit() { static const int STDIN = 0; static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { // Use termios to turn off line buffering termios term; tcgetattr(STDIN, &term); term.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; tcsetattr(STDIN, TCSANOW, &term); setbuf(stdin, NULL); initialized = true; } int bytesWaiting; ioctl(STDIN, FIONREAD, &bytesWaiting); return bytesWaiting; } int getch() { struct termios oldt, newt; int ch; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &oldt); newt = oldt; newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt); ch = getchar(); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt); return ch; } //#define DWORD unsigned int volatile DWORD GetTick(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return (tv.tv_sec * 1000L + tv.tv_usec / 1000); } double logval(double x) { return log(x + sqrt(1 + x * x)); } double GetY(double x) { return (x * sqrt(1 + x * x) + log(x + sqrt(1 + x * x))); } double GetX(double y, int s = 0); double GetX(double y, int s) { int iCount = 0; double x = sqrt(2) * y * sqrt(1 / (sqrt(4 * y * y + 1) + 1)); double fXLastStart = 0, fXLastEnd = x, fXMiddle = (fXLastEnd + fXLastStart) / 2; double fYMiddle = 0; do { fYMiddle = GetY(fXMiddle); if (fYMiddle > y) { fXLastEnd = fXMiddle; fXMiddle = (fXLastStart + fXMiddle) / 2; } else { fXLastStart = fXMiddle; fXMiddle = (fXLastEnd + fXMiddle) / 2; } iCount++; } while (fabs(fYMiddle - y) > 0.0001); if (s)printf("%d\n", iCount); return fXMiddle; } void *testMath(void *data) { volatile int id = *((int *) data); volatile double x, y; x = 100.0; y = 100.0; volatile double a = atan2(y, x), b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, ww = 0; volatile DWORD t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = atan2(y, x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = sin(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = cos(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = sqrt(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = sin(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = cos(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = sqrt(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = atan2(y, x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = sin(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = cos(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = sqrt(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = sin(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = cos(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = sqrt(y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } volatile DWORD t1 = GetTick(); LOGI("----------\n"); char msg[512] = {0}; LOGI("ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), zhys(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); sprintf(msg, "ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), zhys(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); JNI_Callback(msg, id); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = atan2(y, x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = atan2(y, x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = atan2(x, y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = atan2(y, y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = atan2(y, x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = atan2(x, y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = atan2(x, y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = atan2(y, x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = atan2(y, x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = atan2(x, y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = atan2(x, y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = atan2(y, x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = atan2(y, x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = atan2(x, y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = atan2(x, y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); LOGI("ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), atan2(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); memset(msg, 0, 512); sprintf(msg, "ID=%d atan2=%f\n time=%d(ms), atan2(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); JNI_Callback(msg, id); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 100 * 1000L; i++) { a = GetX(x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = GetX(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = GetX(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = GetX(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = GetX(x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = GetX(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = GetX(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = GetX(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = GetX(x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = GetX(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = GetX(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = GetX(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = GetX(x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = GetX(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = GetX(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = GetX(i * 1); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); memset(msg, 0, 512); LOGI("ID=%d FlatMov=%f\n time=%d(ms), FlatMov(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 1600.0); sprintf(msg, "ID=%d FlatMov=%f\n time=%d(ms), FlatMov(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 1600.0); JNI_Callback(msg, id); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = asinh(x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = asinh(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = asinh(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = asinh(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = asinh(x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = asinh(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = asinh(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = asinh(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = asinh(x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = asinh(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = asinh(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = asinh(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = asinh(x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = asinh(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = asinh(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = asinh(y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); LOGI("ID=%d asinh=%f\n time=%d(ms), asinh(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); memset(msg, 0, 512); sprintf(msg, "ID=%d asinh=%f\n time=%d(ms), asinh(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); JNI_Callback(msg, id); t0 = GetTick(); for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000 * 1000L; i++) { a = logval(x + 1 + i / 1000.0); b = logval(x / 10.0 + i / 1000.01); c = logval(y / 100.0 + i / 1000.02); d = logval(y / x * 10 + i / 1000.03); ww = a + b + c + d; a = logval(x + 10 + i / 1000.04); b = logval(x / 10.01 + i / 1000.05); c = logval(y / 100.01 + i / 1000.06); d = logval(y / x * 101 + i / 1000.07); a = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; a = logval(x + 11 + i / 1000.08); b = logval(x / 10.02 + i / 1000.09); c = logval(y / 100.02 + i / 1000.10); d = logval(y / x * 102 + i / 1000.110); ww = a + b + c + d; a = logval(x + 12 + i / 1000.120); b = logval(x / 10.03 + i / 1000.130); c = logval(y / 100.03 + i / 1000.140); d = logval(y / x * 103 + i / 1000.150); b = ww - c + a + b + c + d; ww = a + ww; } t1 = GetTick(); memset(msg, 0, 512); LOGI("ID=%d logval=%f\n time=%d(ms), logval(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); sprintf(msg, "ID=%d logval=%f\n time=%d(ms), logval(time)=%.3f(us)\n", id, b, t1 - t0, (t1 - t0) / 16000.0); JNI_Callback(msg, id); LOGI("---------\n"); memset(msg, 0, 512); sprintf(msg, "-----线程:%d测试结束-----\n", id); JNI_Callback(msg, id); return NULL; } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_test_math_com_mathtest_MainActivity_convert(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray data) { int outLen = env->GetArrayLength(data); char json[512] = {0}; env->SetByteArrayRegion(data, 0, outLen, (jbyte *) json); } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_test_math_com_mathtest_MainActivity_test(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint index) { //testMath((void*)&id[0]); static int id[4]; id[0] = 1; id[1] = 2; id[2] = 3; id[3] = 4; pthread_t thread_ID; pthread_create(&thread_ID, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) testMath, (void *) &id[0]); switch (index) { case 2: //id = 2; pthread_create(&thread_ID, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) testMath, (void *) &id[1]); break; case 3: //id = 2; pthread_create(&thread_ID, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) testMath, (void *) &id[1]); //id = 3; pthread_create(&thread_ID, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) testMath, (void *) &id[2]); break; case 4: //id = 2; pthread_create(&thread_ID, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) testMath, (void *) &id[1]); //id = 3; pthread_create(&thread_ID, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) testMath, (void *) &id[2]); //id = 4; pthread_create(&thread_ID, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) testMath, (void *) &id[3]); break; } }
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