最近在研究DuiLib库,做界面十分了得,非常漂亮!博客有博文介绍。百度云和百度杀毒均是用DuiLib实现的。wke是基于谷歌chrome浏览器源代码的裁剪版本,大小仅仅只有10M左右,无需依赖其他的扩展库(跟CEF的一大堆大约40M的DLL来比简直爽呆了),就可以在本地使用谷歌内核快速加载网页。网上也有基于wke在Duilib 上扩展的控件代码,其实wke头文件挺清楚的了,接口一目了然,特别是JS与C++交互的函数更是容易看懂。
WebKit 是一个开源的浏览器引擎,与之相对应的引擎有Gecko(Mozilla Firefox 等使用)和Trident(也称MSHTML,IE 使用)。同时WebKit 也是苹果Mac OS X 系统引擎框架版本的名称,主要用于Safari,Dashboard,Mail 和其他一些Mac OS X 程序。WebKit 前身是 KDE 小组的 KHTML,WebKit 所包含的 WebCore 排版引擎和 JSCore 引擎来自于 KDE 的 KHTML 和 KJS,当年苹果比较了 Gecko 和 KHTML 后,仍然选择了后者,就因为它拥有清晰的源码结构、极快的渲染速度。Apple将 KHTML 发扬光大,推出了装备 KHTML 改进型 WebKit 引擎的浏览器 Safari。
源码明天发出来! wke.h
WebKit 是一个开源的浏览器引擎,与之相对应的引擎有Gecko(Mozilla Firefox 等使用)和Trident(也称MSHTML,IE 使用)。同时WebKit 也是苹果Mac OS X 系统引擎框架版本的名称,主要用于Safari,Dashboard,Mail 和其他一些Mac OS X 程序。WebKit 前身是 KDE 小组的 KHTML,WebKit 所包含的 WebCore 排版引擎和 JSCore 引擎来自于 KDE 的 KHTML 和 KJS,当年苹果比较了 Gecko 和 KHTML 后,仍然选择了后者,就因为它拥有清晰的源码结构、极快的渲染速度。Apple将 KHTML 发扬光大,推出了装备 KHTML 改进型 WebKit 引擎的浏览器 Safari。
源码明天发出来! wke.h
/* * * BlzFans@hotmail.com * http://wke.sf.net * http://www.github.com/BlzFans/wke * licence LGPL * */ #ifndef WKE_H #define WKE_H #ifdef BUILDING_wke # define WKE_API __declspec(dllexport) #else # define WKE_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif typedef char utf8; typedef struct { int x; int y; int w; int h; } wkeRect; enum wkeMouseFlags { WKE_LBUTTON = 0x01, WKE_RBUTTON = 0x02, WKE_SHIFT = 0x04, WKE_CONTROL = 0x08, WKE_MBUTTON = 0x10, }; enum wkeKeyFlags { WKE_EXTENDED = 0x0100, WKE_REPEAT = 0x4000, }; enum wkeMouseMsg { WKE_MSG_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200, WKE_MSG_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201, WKE_MSG_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202, WKE_MSG_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203, WKE_MSG_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204, WKE_MSG_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205, WKE_MSG_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206, WKE_MSG_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207, WKE_MSG_MBUTTONUP = 0x0208, WKE_MSG_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0209, WKE_MSG_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A, }; typedef void* jsExecState; typedef __int64 jsValue; typedef void* wkeString; typedef void (*ON_TITLE_CHANGED) (const struct _wkeClientHandler* clientHandler, const wkeString title); typedef void (*ON_URL_CHANGED) (const struct _wkeClientHandler* clientHandler, const wkeString url); typedef struct _wkeClientHandler { ON_TITLE_CHANGED onTitleChanged; ON_URL_CHANGED onURLChanged; } wkeClientHandler; typedef struct _wkeBufHandler { virtual void onBufUpdated (const HDC hdc,int x, int y, int cx, int cy) = 0; }wkeBufHandler; /* *c++ interface *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ #ifdef __cplusplus namespace wke { class IWebView { public: virtual void destroy() = 0; virtual const char* name() const = 0; virtual void setName(const char* name) = 0; virtual bool transparent() const = 0; virtual void setTransparent(bool transparent) = 0; virtual void loadURL(const utf8* url) = 0; virtual void loadURL(const wchar_t* url) = 0; virtual void loadHTML(const utf8* html) = 0; virtual void loadHTML(const wchar_t* html) = 0; virtual void loadFile(const utf8* filename) = 0; virtual void loadFile(const wchar_t* filename) = 0; virtual bool isLoaded() const = 0; /*document load sucessed*/ virtual bool isLoadFailed() const = 0; /*document load failed*/ virtual bool isLoadComplete() const = 0; /*document load complete*/ virtual bool isDocumentReady() const = 0; /*document ready*/ virtual void stopLoading() = 0; virtual void reload() = 0; virtual const utf8* title() = 0; virtual const wchar_t* titleW() = 0; virtual void resize(int w, int h) = 0; virtual int width() const = 0; /*viewport width*/ virtual int height() const = 0; /*viewport height*/ virtual int contentsWidth() const = 0; /*contents width*/ virtual int contentsHeight() const = 0; /*contents height*/ virtual void setDirty(bool dirty) = 0; virtual bool isDirty() const = 0; virtual void addDirtyArea(int x, int y, int w, int h) = 0; virtual void layoutIfNeeded() = 0; virtual void paint(void* bits, int pitch) = 0; virtual void tick() = 0; virtual void paint(HDC hdc,int x,int y,int cx,int cy,int xSrc,int ySrc,bool fKeepAlpha) = 0; virtual bool canGoBack() const = 0; virtual bool goBack() = 0; virtual bool canGoForward() const = 0; virtual bool goForward() = 0; virtual void selectAll() = 0; virtual void copy() = 0; virtual void cut() = 0; virtual void paste() = 0; virtual void delete_() = 0; virtual void setCookieEnabled(bool enable) = 0; virtual bool cookieEnabled() const = 0; virtual void setMediaVolume(float volume) = 0; virtual float mediaVolume() const = 0; virtual bool mouseEvent(unsigned int message, int x, int y, unsigned int flags) = 0; virtual bool contextMenuEvent(int x, int y, unsigned int flags) = 0; virtual bool mouseWheel(int x, int y, int delta, unsigned int flags) = 0; virtual bool keyUp(unsigned int virtualKeyCode, unsigned int flags, bool systemKey) = 0; virtual bool keyDown(unsigned int virtualKeyCode, unsigned int flags, bool systemKey) = 0; virtual bool keyPress(unsigned int virtualKeyCode, unsigned int flags, bool systemKey) = 0; virtual void focus() = 0; virtual void unfocus() = 0; virtual wkeRect getCaret() = 0; virtual jsValue runJS(const utf8* script) = 0; virtual jsValue runJS(const wchar_t* script) = 0; virtual jsExecState globalExec() = 0; virtual void sleep() = 0; //moveOffscreen virtual void awaken() = 0; //moveOnscreen virtual bool isAwake() const = 0; virtual void setZoomFactor(float factor) = 0; virtual float zoomFactor() const = 0; virtual void setEditable(bool editable) = 0; virtual void setClientHandler(const wkeClientHandler* handler) = 0; virtual const wkeClientHandler* getClientHandler() const = 0; virtual void setBufHandler(wkeBufHandler *handler) = 0; virtual const wkeBufHandler * getBufHandler() const = 0; }; } typedef wke::IWebView* wkeWebView; #else typedef void* wkeWebView; #ifndef HAVE_WCHAR_T typedef unsigned short wchar_t; #endif #ifndef HAVE_BOOL typedef unsigned char bool; #define true 1 #define false 0 #endif #endif /*__cplusplus*/ /* *c interface *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif WKE_API void wkeInit(); WKE_API void wkeShutdown(); WKE_API void wkeUpdate(); WKE_API unsigned int wkeVersion(); WKE_API const utf8* wkeVersionString(); typedef void* (*FILE_OPEN) (const char* path); typedef void (*FILE_CLOSE) (void* handle); typedef size_t (*FILE_SIZE) (void* handle); typedef int (*FILE_READ) (void* handle, void* buffer, size_t size); typedef int (*FILE_SEEK) (void* handle, int offset, int origin); WKE_API void wkeSetFileSystem(FILE_OPEN pfn_open, FILE_CLOSE pfn_close, FILE_SIZE pfn_size, FILE_READ pfn_read, FILE_SEEK pfn_seek); WKE_API wkeWebView wkeCreateWebView(); WKE_API wkeWebView wkeGetWebView(const char* name); WKE_API void wkeDestroyWebView(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API const char* wkeWebViewName(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSetWebViewName(wkeWebView webView, const char* name); WKE_API bool wkeIsTransparent(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSetTransparent(wkeWebView webView, bool transparent); WKE_API void wkeLoadURL(wkeWebView webView, const utf8* url); WKE_API void wkeLoadURLW(wkeWebView webView, const wchar_t* url); WKE_API void wkeLoadHTML(wkeWebView webView, const utf8* html); WKE_API void wkeLoadHTMLW(wkeWebView webView, const wchar_t* html); WKE_API void wkeLoadFile(wkeWebView webView, const utf8* filename); WKE_API void wkeLoadFileW(wkeWebView webView, const wchar_t* filename); WKE_API bool wkeIsLoaded(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeIsLoadFailed(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeIsLoadComplete(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeIsDocumentReady(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeIsLoading(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeStopLoading(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeReload(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API const utf8* wkeTitle(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API const wchar_t* wkeTitleW(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeResize(wkeWebView webView, int w, int h); WKE_API int wkeWidth(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API int wkeHeight(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API int wkeContentsWidth(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API int wkeContentsHeight(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSetDirty(wkeWebView webView, bool dirty); WKE_API bool wkeIsDirty(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeAddDirtyArea(wkeWebView webView, int x, int y, int w, int h); WKE_API void wkeLayoutIfNeeded(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkePaint(wkeWebView webView, void* bits, int pitch); WKE_API bool wkeCanGoBack(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeGoBack(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeCanGoForward(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeGoForward(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSelectAll(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeCopy(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeCut(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkePaste(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeDelete(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSetCookieEnabled(wkeWebView webView, bool enable); WKE_API bool wkeCookieEnabled(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSetMediaVolume(wkeWebView webView, float volume); WKE_API float wkeMediaVolume(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeMouseEvent(wkeWebView webView, unsigned int message, int x, int y, unsigned int flags); WKE_API bool wkeContextMenuEvent(wkeWebView webView, int x, int y, unsigned int flags); WKE_API bool wkeMouseWheel(wkeWebView webView, int x, int y, int delta, unsigned int flags); WKE_API bool wkeKeyUp(wkeWebView webView, unsigned int virtualKeyCode, unsigned int flags, bool systemKey); WKE_API bool wkeKeyDown(wkeWebView webView, unsigned int virtualKeyCode, unsigned int flags, bool systemKey); WKE_API bool wkeKeyPress(wkeWebView webView, unsigned int charCode, unsigned int flags, bool systemKey); WKE_API void wkeFocus(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeUnfocus(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API wkeRect wkeGetCaret(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API jsValue wkeRunJS(wkeWebView webView, const utf8* script); WKE_API jsValue wkeRunJSW(wkeWebView webView, const wchar_t* script); WKE_API jsExecState wkeGlobalExec(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSleep(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeAwaken(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API bool wkeIsAwake(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSetZoomFactor(wkeWebView webView, float factor); WKE_API float wkeZoomFactor(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API void wkeSetEditable(wkeWebView webView, bool editable); WKE_API void wkeSetClientHandler(wkeWebView webView, const wkeClientHandler* handler); WKE_API const wkeClientHandler* wkeGetClientHandler(wkeWebView webView); WKE_API const utf8* wkeToString(const wkeString string); WKE_API const wchar_t* wkeToStringW(const wkeString string); /***JavaScript Bind***/ #define JS_CALL __fastcall typedef jsValue (JS_CALL *jsNativeFunction) (jsExecState es); typedef enum { JSTYPE_NUMBER, JSTYPE_STRING, JSTYPE_BOOLEAN, JSTYPE_OBJECT, JSTYPE_FUNCTION, JSTYPE_UNDEFINED, } jsType; WKE_API void jsBindFunction(const char* name, jsNativeFunction fn, unsigned int argCount); WKE_API void jsBindGetter(const char* name, jsNativeFunction fn); /*get property*/ WKE_API void jsBindSetter(const char* name, jsNativeFunction fn); /*set property*/ WKE_API int jsArgCount(jsExecState es); WKE_API jsType jsArgType(jsExecState es, int argIdx); WKE_API jsValue jsArg(jsExecState es, int argIdx); WKE_API jsType jsTypeOf(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsNumber(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsString(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsBoolean(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsObject(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsFunction(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsUndefined(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsNull(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsArray(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsTrue(jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsIsFalse(jsValue v); WKE_API int jsToInt(jsExecState es, jsValue v); WKE_API float jsToFloat(jsExecState es, jsValue v); WKE_API double jsToDouble(jsExecState es, jsValue v); WKE_API bool jsToBoolean(jsExecState es, jsValue v); WKE_API const utf8* jsToString(jsExecState es, jsValue v); WKE_API const wchar_t* jsToStringW(jsExecState es, jsValue v); WKE_API jsValue jsInt(int n); WKE_API jsValue jsFloat(float f); WKE_API jsValue jsDouble(double d); WKE_API jsValue jsBoolean(bool b); WKE_API jsValue jsUndefined(); WKE_API jsValue jsNull(); WKE_API jsValue jsTrue(); WKE_API jsValue jsFalse(); WKE_API jsValue jsString(jsExecState es, const utf8* str); WKE_API jsValue jsStringW(jsExecState es, const wchar_t* str); WKE_API jsValue jsObject(jsExecState es); WKE_API jsValue jsArray(jsExecState es); WKE_API jsValue jsFunction(jsExecState es, jsNativeFunction fn, unsigned int argCount); //return the window object WKE_API jsValue jsGlobalObject(jsExecState es); WKE_API jsValue jsEval(jsExecState es, const utf8* str); WKE_API jsValue jsEvalW(jsExecState es, const wchar_t* str); WKE_API jsValue jsCall(jsExecState es, jsValue func, jsValue thisObject, jsValue* args, int argCount); WKE_API jsValue jsCallGlobal(jsExecState es, jsValue func, jsValue* args, int argCount); WKE_API jsValue jsGet(jsExecState es, jsValue object, const char* prop); WKE_API void jsSet(jsExecState es, jsValue object, const char* prop, jsValue v); WKE_API jsValue jsGetGlobal(jsExecState es, const char* prop); WKE_API void jsSetGlobal(jsExecState es, const char* prop, jsValue v); WKE_API jsValue jsGetAt(jsExecState es, jsValue object, int index); WKE_API void jsSetAt(jsExecState es, jsValue object, int index, jsValue v); WKE_API int jsGetLength(jsExecState es, jsValue object); WKE_API void jsSetLength(jsExecState es, jsValue object, int length); WKE_API wkeWebView jsGetWebView(jsExecState es); WKE_API void jsGC(); //garbage collect #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
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