/* * main() * * argv[1] may contain URL to call. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pjsua_acc_id acc_id; pj_status_t status; // 创建PJSIP /* Create pjsua first! */ status = pjsua_create(); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error in pjsua_create()", status); // 校验被叫SIP地址是否正确 /* If argument is specified, it's got to be a valid SIP URL */ if (argc > 1) { status = pjsua_verify_url(argv[1]); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Invalid URL in argv", status); } // 初始化PJSUA,设置回调函数 /* Init pjsua */ { pjsua_config cfg; pjsua_logging_config log_cfg; pjsua_config_default(&cfg); cfg.cb.on_incoming_call = &on_incoming_call; cfg.cb.on_call_media_state = &on_call_media_state; cfg.cb.on_call_state = &on_call_state; pjsua_logging_config_default(&log_cfg); log_cfg.console_level = 4; status = pjsua_init(&cfg, &log_cfg, NULL); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error in pjsua_init()", status); } // 创建PJSIP的传输端口 /* Add UDP transport. */ { pjsua_transport_config cfg; pjsua_transport_config_default(&cfg); cfg.port = 5060; status = pjsua_transport_create(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, &cfg, NULL); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error creating transport", status); } // 启动PJSIP /* Initialization is done, now start pjsua */ status = pjsua_start(); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error starting pjsua", status); // 设置SIP用户帐号 /* Register to SIP server by creating SIP account. */ { pjsua_acc_config cfg; pjsua_acc_config_default(&cfg); cfg.id = pj_str("sip:" SIP_USER "@" SIP_DOMAIN); cfg.reg_uri = pj_str("sip:" SIP_DOMAIN); cfg.cred_count = 1; cfg.cred_info[0].realm = pj_str(SIP_DOMAIN); cfg.cred_info[0].scheme = pj_str("digest"); cfg.cred_info[0].username = pj_str(SIP_USER); cfg.cred_info[0].data_type = PJSIP_CRED_DATA_PLAIN_PASSWD; cfg.cred_info[0].data = pj_str(SIP_PASSWD); status = pjsua_acc_add(&cfg, PJ_TRUE, &acc_id); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error adding account", status); } // 发起一个呼叫 /* If URL is specified, make call to the URL. */ if (argc > 1) { pj_str_t uri = pj_str(argv[1]); status = pjsua_call_make_call(acc_id, &uri, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error making call", status); } // 循环等待 /* Wait until user press "q" to quit. */ for (;;) { char option[10]; puts("Press 'h' to hangup all calls, 'q' to quit"); if (fgets(option, sizeof(option), stdin) == NULL) { puts("EOF while reading stdin, will quit now.."); break; } if (option[0] == 'q') break; if (option[0] == 'h') pjsua_call_hangup_all(); } /* Destroy pjsua */ pjsua_destroy(); return 0; }
//来电回调函数 /* Callback called by the library upon receiving incoming call */ static void on_incoming_call(pjsua_acc_id acc_id, pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_rx_data *rdata) { pjsua_call_info ci; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(acc_id); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(rdata); // 获得呼叫信息 pjsua_call_get_info(call_id, &ci); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Incoming call from %.*s!!", (int)ci.remote_info.slen, ci.remote_info.ptr)); // 自动应答呼叫 /* Automatically answer incoming calls with 200/OK */ pjsua_call_answer(call_id, 200, NULL, NULL); }
//呼叫状态改变的回调函数 /* Callback called by the library when call's state has changed */ static void on_call_state(pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_event *e) { pjsua_call_info ci; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(e); pjsua_call_get_info(call_id, &ci); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Call %d state=%.*s", call_id, (int)ci.state_text.slen, ci.state_text.ptr)); }
//媒体状态改变的回调函数 /* Callback called by the library when call's media state has changed */ static void on_call_media_state(pjsua_call_id call_id) { pjsua_call_info ci; pjsua_call_get_info(call_id, &ci); // 当媒体为激活时,连接呼叫和声音设备 if (ci.media_status == PJSUA_CALL_MEDIA_ACTIVE) { // When media is active, connect call to sound device. pjsua_conf_connect(ci.conf_slot, 0); pjsua_conf_connect(0, ci.conf_slot); } }
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1.导出riscv-gcc路径 export SYSROOT_PATH=/usr/local/oecore-x86_64/sysroots 2.配置编译参数 ./configure --prefix=/home/leehom/pjout --disable-video --disable-android-mediacodec --disable-libwebrtc CC=/usr/local/oecore-x86_64/sysroots/x86_64-oesdk-linux/usr/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc CXX=/usr/local/oecore-x86_64/sysroots/x86_64-oesdk-linux/usr/bin/riscv64-linux-g++ --host=arm 3.依赖编译 make dep && make 4.安装 make install
1.导出riscv64-linux-gcc路径 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/oecore-x86_64/sysroots/x86_64-oesdk-linux/usr/bin 2.配置编译参数 ./configure --prefix=/home/leehom/pjout LDFLAGS="-L/home/leehom/devlib/pjsip -lasound" --disable-libwebrtc --host=riscv64-linux 3.依赖编译 make dep && make 4.安装 make install ./pjsua --config-file=100.cfg
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